I need some Graphic Design

Budget (USD) 300
Bids 2
Views 53


My company A&C Fitness require a background (A4) design where we can write blogs and information.

We will write fitness & nutritonal information on this & will need to amend it for each post.

I have attached our logo (A&C Fitness) & some examples of what we are looking for.

My examples are terrible so feel free to go ahead with your own designs.

Keep it the same colours as our logo. (red, black, white)

Black background with white content (writing) would be great. With fitness equipment like dumbbells & barbells. Add in any fitness related images you think would suit.

Total Bid(s): 2

Freelancer Bidding
Date: October 29, 2017

Dear Sir,
My name is Robert T
I have read carefully your request and I’m totally can complete this job as you expexted. I have attached my resume for your review and I look forward to speaking with you further regarding your available position.
Robert T

35($) Less than 1 month
Date: October 29, 2017

Hello ,
My name is john-baker
I have read carefully your request and I’m totally can complete this job as you expexted. I home we have a oppotunite work on this

41($) 1 to 3 months
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